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Neil Young’s Radio Channel on SiriusXM Is Revived After Spotify Removal

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After Spotify refused to cut Joe Rogan’s lucrative podcast, Sirius re-upped with Mr. Young; other streamers promote the folk-rocker


Anne Steele

As Neil Young’s music was coming down from the world’s largest streaming service Wednesday, satellite-radio company SiriusXM went to him to strike a deal.

SiriusXM, a unit ofLibertyMedia Corp. , announced the return of “Neil Young Radio,” a satellite and streamed channel featuring Mr. Young introducing his songs and telling stories.Sirius XM Holdings Inc.reached out to Mr. Young’s camp Wednesday, according to a person close to the company, as the public standoff was unfolding.

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Neil Young’s Radio Channel on SiriusXM Is Revived After Spotify Removal

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