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Groundbreaking Virtual Reality Exhibit Debuts on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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In creating this VR experience, the Museum partnered with award-winning digital entertainment companies eyelash.ai and 30 Ninjas along with internationally recognized exhibition design firm Gallagher & Associates and award-winning documentary film producer Winikur Productions. The films feature an original soundtrack by Emmy Award-winner Silver Sound Studios.

About Illinois Holocaust Museum About Illinois Holocaust Museum Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center honors the Survivors and victims of the Holocaust and transforms history into current, relevant, and universal lessons in humanity. Through world-class exhibitions and programs, the Museum inspires individuals and organizations and provides a universal wake-up call to action: Take history to heart. Take a stand for humanity. The Museum is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10a.m. through 5:00 p.m. and follows the city of Chicago’s COVID-19 protocols. For more information, visit www.ilholocaustmuseum.org or call 847-967-4800.

Groundbreaking Virtual Reality Exhibit Debuts on International Holocaust Remembrance Day


Illinois Holocaust Museum media@ilhmec.org