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Executive Order 3 | City of New York

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January 19, 2022

The Office of Technology and Innovation

Download Executive Order 3

WHEREAS,technology and innovation are foundational to the delivery of quality servicesto New York City residents; and

WHEREAS, the Cityof New York seeks new and effective ways to improve government operations andservices to benefit the City and its residents; and

WHEREAS, the Cityhas been and will continue to be a leader in technology and innovation; and

WHEREAS, themultiple areas of technology and innovation within the City currently report todifferent Deputy Mayors and are managed in a decentralized manner acrossvarious City agencies and entities; and

WHEREAS,technology advancements now enable significant cost savings and improved operationalefficiency, security, privacy and service through a consolidated infrastructureand a coordinated citywide approach to information technology, information security,information privacy and telecommunications; and

WHEREAS, the Cityseeks to consolidate leadership and offices related to information technology, informationsecurity, information privacy and telecommunications to provide the City withthe most efficient approach to innovation, standardization and security; and

WHEREAS,provisions of Chapters 1 and 48 of the Charter authorize the Mayor to achievesuch consolidation within the Department of Information Technology andTelecommunications, as reconstituted by this Order; and

WHEREAS, it isdesirable that the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunicationsmore accurately reflect its new mission and structure,

NOW, THEREFORE, bythe power vested in me as Mayor of the City of New York, it is hereby ordered:

Executive Order 3 | City of New York

Section 1. TheDepartment of Information Technology and Telecommunications shall hereafter bedesignated as the Office of Technology and Innovation, except in courtdocuments, contracts and any other situation where the name “Department ofInformation Technology and Telecommunications” is legally required.

§ 2. The head ofthe Office of Technology and Innovation shall be the Chief Technology Officerof the City of New York, who shall also be known as the Commissioner ofInformation Technology and Telecommunications and Chief Information Officerwhere such titles are legally required. The Chief Technology Officer shall beappointed by the Mayor and shall report to the First Deputy Mayor.

§ 3. The Office ofCyber Command established pursuant to section 20-j of the Charter, the Officeof Data Analytics established pursuant to section 20-f of the Charter and theOffice of Information Privacy established pursuant to section 8-h of theCharter shall be continued and established within the Office of Technology andInnovation. Any additional appropriate actions, including but not limited tothe transfer of employees, to be taken in furtherance of the consolidation setforth in this Section shall be taken as soon as practicable after thepromulgation of this Order.

§ 4. TheAlgorithms Management and Policy Officer established pursuant to ExecutiveOrder No. 50, dated November 19, 2019, shall be discontinued. The Office ofTechnology and Innovation shall guide the City and its agencies in thedevelopment, responsible use and assessment of algorithmic and relatedtechnical tools and systems and shall engage and educate the public on issuesrelated to City use of these and other related technologies. Any additionalappropriate actions, including but not limited to the transfer of employees, tobe taken in furtherance of the assumption of duties set forth in this sectionshall be taken as soon as practicable after the promulgation of this Order.

§ 5. The Office ofTechnology and Innovation shall have authority and oversight with respect toall Citywide information technology, information security, information privacyand telecommunications, and shall exercise all the powers conferred upon theoffice by Chapter 48 of the Charter and all other applicable laws. In carryingout its duties, the Office of Technology and Innovation shall coordinate withand oversee the Offices of Cyber Command, Data Analytics, and InformationPrivacy, all within the Office of Technology and Innovation pursuant to Section3 of this Order. The Office of Technology and Innovation shall be the leadagency in the development, coordination and implementation of the City’sinformation technology, information security, information privacy andtelecommunication matters.

§ 6. The directorsof the Offices of Cyber Command and Data Analytics and the City’s Chief PrivacyOfficer shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall report to the ChiefTechnology Officer, in accordance with Section 5 of this Order.

§ 7. The Chief Technology Officer shallestablish oversight committees as the Chief Technology Officer deems appropriateto carry out the responsibilities of the Office of Technology and Innovation.

§ 8. All agencies areauthorized and directed to take appropriate steps, including the provision of administrativeservices or the sharing of resources pursuant to section 1121 of the Charter orother applicable law, to ensure implementation of this Order as soon aspracticable.

§ 9. All agenciesare directed to cooperate with the Office of Technology and Innovation as theChief Technology Officer promulgates and implements policies and guidance relatedto information technology, information security, information privacy andtelecommunication matters. Suchcooperation shall include appropriate sharing of agency policies, protocols andother requested information in a timely manner.

§ 10. Executive Order No. 140, datedOctober 20, 2010; Executive Order No. 306, dated April 17, 2013; ExecutiveOrder No. 463, dated December 27, 2013; Executive Order No. 8, dated December12, 2014; Executive Order No. 28, dated July 11, 2017; Executive Order No. 34,dated April 12, 2018; and Executive Order No. 50, dated November 19, 2019, arehereby REVOKED.

§ 11. This Order shall take effectimmediately.

EricAdams Mayor